MSP Disenfranchisement in 2010 Elections: Violation against Migrant Rights!


We in Migrante Alberta Chapter in Canada are denouncing the anti-people strategy of the Macapagal-Arroyo government to de-list Migrante Sectoral Party (MSP) in the 2010 national elections. This is a blatant violation of the rights of millions of sacrificing overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) whose remittances have kept the same inutile government afloat.

There are over 10 million OFWs worldwide, and increasing. Most of them face inhumane treatment in their destination countries daily. Yet, Philippine officials in these countries play deaf to their miserable plights. Even in the home front, families and dependents of OFWs are facing the same difficulties in claiming benefits due them.

Truth is, millions of OFWs are already disenfranchised due to inaccessibility of Philippine posts in host countries where they need to be personally present before they could register. Despite this, Philippine officials do not exert effort to resolve this problem in their respective posts or even back home. Instead of sincere registration of OFWs-for-deployment as absentee voters while they are still processing their papers back home, Philippine officials only think of how they could exact more and more fees from the already indebted Filipinos.

In the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) data as of Sept. 9, it has reported only 600,469 overseas absentee voters. Despite this, the registration period for overseas absentee voters was shortened from one year to seven months. Worse, Migrante International learned that this was due to the diversion of the OAV funds to the DFA which the commissioners conspicuously conceal from public knowledge.

And to complete its anti-migrant, anti-people scheme, the Commission on Elections delisted Migrante Sectoral Party from participating party list groups in the 2010 elections.

We have been robbed of jobs, money, and families. Many of us have lost limbs and lives.

We will not allow the corrupt, inutile and murderer Macapagal-Arroyo government to silence us!

It is high time that the lifeblood of the Philippine government be genuinely represented in the Congress.

Since this puppet and parasitic Macapagal –Arroyo regime
is cheating us using our own blood and money...
is selling us like commodities...
is neglecting us from the very start...

WE will speak for ourselves!
Allow Migrante Sectoral Party to run in 2010 elections!